Krakow trip
Our friends Jim and Mabelle called us last Monday and asked if we wanted to take a quick trip to Krakow, Poland. Never ones to turn down an opportunity to travel, we of course accepted and headed out early Tuesday AM. Our drive took a little longer than planned due to construction and heavy rains, so when we hit the city limits we were all on the lookout for our hotel.
Tom spotted this sign ... (if you can't read it, it says KRAK Motel). Perhaps someone should let them know that's not a great choice for a name?
We actually stayed at the Hotel Chopin, which was a very nice, reasonably -priced hotel. The staff were great, and the young lady on reception even promised to do her best to make it stop raining. She must have had some influence somewhere, because the rain did stop immediately after our check-in, and we went out to explore the town.
Street scene.....
We did find the permanent shopping area known as Cloth Hall which is now full of stalls that market souvenirs ranging from cheap touristy items to very expensive pottery, amber, gold & silver jewelry, and crystal. We found the prices in Krakow to be more reasonable than in Prague.
A typical stall...
These young ladies were a troop of Girl Guides singing to raise money for their programs...
Hunger finally called us into a nearby restaurant, Pod Wawelem Kompania Kuflowa, where the Warka beer was served in litre mugs, (normal is 0.5l) and all the meals appeared to be super-sized. Mabelle ordered the chicken skewer, thinking it might be a lighter meal.
This is how it was served.....
What!? I didn't know you went to Poland - looks like fun.
aah, cherry vodka--a great help for all those stairs at your walk-up flat!
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