Saturday, October 30, 2010

Young glass blower

Laura's parents were here in Prague last week, and we four "grands" took the kids to a glass factory. Tom drove, and we practically had to mutiny to get him to stop at the right building. We were in a very (very) small town, and he didn't believe that the building that said "Glasstar" was the place we were seeking. Let's just say that Corning has nothing to fear.

But the folks were nice, and allowed Owen to work with a piece of glass.

The "factory" interior was about the size of our garage in Groton, and a "tour" consisted of walking in the door and watching the three crafstmen create their wares. They were making flowers the day we were there, which did not entail any blowing but was still a fascinating process.

Here Owen is learning how to blow a large glass bubble.


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Susan, Rob and Ian said...

I would prefer this intimate tour to Corning any day. Although I am guessing there was a language barrier....

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Doris said...

Great photos! I'll be posting mine later today, one of which is a video of Owen's glass blowing technique. Thanks for doing the driving!


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