Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The relativity of South

Today I feel as though I am sitting in the middle of a snow globe. I am looking out my office windows at a winter wonderland- the kind of scene that you expect in Central New York during the winter. There is a blanket of snow on the ground- about 8 inches of the white fluffy stuff. The skies are grey with heavily-laden snow clouds that are supposed to dump more snow all day today. This is what White Christmas is all about- and since it is the first real snowfall we've had all winter, it is not unappreciated. Our winter to date has been extraordinarily warm, although the paper this morning reported that the winter of 1891 was actually warmer.

Anyway, imagine my reaction, then, when Tom called to say that Cayuga Lake was a beautiful blue today - reminiscent of spring. He mentioned sparkling waves, blue water, and I said Huh? Where's the snow?

It seems that 50 miles does make a difference- there is no snow that far south!


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just talking to a guy who just moved to the DC area from Albany, NY. He said he used to be the director of the NY Weather something or other at one point in time. Anyway, he said that one of his biggest fights was moving where they took their official weather statistics from the Syracuse airport to downtown Syracuse. Becuase the bands of weather that typically goes through the area usually hit downtown Syracuse very hard - but areas to the North and the South have diff. weather. E


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