Sunday, March 25, 2007

ah, Spring!

Dare we hope? The temperature reached 46 today- that's well above freezing, folks! We may be seeing spring soon!

Yesterday's rain and today's sun has ALMOST gotten rid of our snow- but there are still patches of white to remind us that we do indeed live in the frozen north.

After church today we went to the marina and raked out the damage caused by the dredger. We put our deckbox and picnic table back in place, set the plant pots in their appointed spot, set up the grill, and we're good to go!

Later this week we will plant our grass, and then it's on to uncover and clean & polish the boat.

No pictures from today's activities- we remembered work clothes and tools, but forgot the camera.

Monday, March 19, 2007

One month to boating season

Normally at this time of year, we are thinking of uncovering the boat and painting the bottom- getting ready for our April launch.

Not so this year! A late season nor'easter dumped about a foot of new snow on us. We did go to the marina to look longingly at our boat and our spot.

No activity here!

Pretty lonely over there on that point- but the dredger has been and gone, so if the snow ever melts, we can plant our grass and put the picnic table back in place.

These willows in Stewart Park at the end of the lake ARE turning their early spring yellow- they should be greeen soon!

Even the Farmer's Market was abandoned! Nothing else to do but eat- Ithaca Bakery here we come!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Zero Visability

So Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring.

The signs are all there if you know where to look for them - the days are getting obviously longer, the sun has a different slant to it, many of our song birds are back, I've seen flocks of geese winging north high in the atmosphere, skunks are out, and a few days ago I saw a woodchuck (not Phil) scurrying around in the snowy fields.

My point? Why is it still snowing? Why are they predicting highs of only 10 degrees? (and that's Farhenheit - not Celsius!)

Today is a blustery mix of snow, wind and cold. There were times when the visibility was indeed zero - I only hope it clears a bit before I try heading home.

The pictures below are what Tom saw (or didn't see) from the office windows. Not quite time to start working on the boat!